Current Event Funds for Internationallu or Local Areas

February 29, 2024 | Leap Day | Creation of this Update Page

For right now, with all that’s going on, I feel it important to post funds of those in need. Internationally, locally, doesn’t matter. Even the safest amount means a difference. Sharing does so much to bring awareness, acceptance, and hope for many. That is all for today’s update. So I’m signing off here.

March 11, 2024 | Asmaa Madi & Disabled Child Escape from Gaza

I have donated to this fund upon seeing it on Tumblr.

if you are able to match my donation, please do. Don’t give up hope!

March 13, 2024 | Baraa’s Family Trying to Escape Gaza

I found this post through a reblog of a mutual, with the original post dating from February 28th, 2024. with the gofundme below.

In addition, Tigray still desperately needs help. Sources here: And here reblogged by the same mutual.

Let’s help these folks—please.

April 9, 2024 | Match my €7 Donation to this fund!

I found this post through a reblog of a mutual, with the original post dating from February 18th, 2024. with the gofundme below.

Image description in this reblog:

March 31, 2024 | Help Aser and his Family Evacuate Gaza

I found this post through a reblog of a mutual, with the original post dating from March 28th, 2024. Aser is a nonverbal autistic child living with his family in Gaza. with the gofundme below.

May 12, 2024 | Help Abdulla Abughali’s family evacuate Gaza

This came up on my dash, so I am linking it here as well:

May 13, 2024 | Sister Minnie & Help Mohammed & His 16 Family Members